A new Bitcoin-themed manga series titled “Genesis Code” is set to be published and already debuted in Japan compiled by the Young Animal manga magazine and distributed by the Tokyo-based publisher, Hakusensha.
On April 28 the publisher released a promotional video with the front cover of the first edition showing the manga’s hero holding a coin with the Bitcoin (BTC) logo.
According to the synopsis published by the series’ official website, the story revolves around the mystery of Bitcoin’s creation set in 2009, the year Bitcoin debuted.
The plot centers on Phantom Wolf, a hacker who recently suffered the death of his father, as he participates in a contest to solve the mystery of Bitcoin’s origin.
The prize: 1 million BTC.
考案者は謎、未だに100万BTC=約1兆円を保持しているといわれている…。 そんな仮想通貨"ビットコイン"を巡るゲームが開幕! 敏腕ハッカーとネットアイドルが命を懸けて勝利を目指す!! 「ジェネシスコード」(漫画:えりちん 原作:鷹野浪流)①巻、発売中! 試し読み:https://t.co/sMzWkt8Vv9 pic.twitter.com/mJIBIMNbLD — ヤングアニマル公式@9・10合併号&新増刊『ヤングアニマルZERO』4/1増刊号発売中 (@YoungAnimalHaku) April 28, 2020
However, if Wolf fails in his quest to solve the mystery, there will be lethal consequences. Other participants in the adventure includes a female internet live streamer, a mysterious smartphone app, and two-coworkers that will assist Wolf.
There is currently a crisis regarding the creation of new anime. The reasons behind this crisis have to do with an increase in piracy. According to a report by Video Research Interactive this illicit activities occurs through illegal manga sites.
Recently, one of the largest advertising companies in Japan, Dentsu partnered with Kadokawa Ascii research labs and others to begin awarding proof of concept rewards to independent content creators, like manga, using blockchain technology.
Source: Cointelegraph | Image: Unsplash