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John McAfee’s Ghost Coin Can Now Be Used In Hong Kong Disneyland Vending Machines

Ghost Coin, the proof-of-stake privacy coin led by John McAfee, can now be used in vending machines in Hong Kong Disneyland.

McAfee announced that that it partnered with crypto payment system ivendPay to deploy the coin in over 60 vending machines around Hong Kong, even those in Hong Kong Disneyland.

When we 1st launched $GHOST our vision was not only to focus on #Privacy but also on real user adoption. We are happy to announce that we have partnered with @ivendpay to deploy $GHOST as a form of payment in over 60 vending machines accross HK including #hongkongdisneyland 👻👻 — GhostbyMcAfee (@GhostbyMcAfee) June 28, 2020

Ghost said:

“When we 1st launched $GHOST our vision was not only to focus on #Privacy but also on real user adoption.”

The privacy coin and distributed exchange went live last week. Ghost distributed exchange replaced the McAfeeDEX distributed exchange in the process. 

McAfee came under fire after it was found parts of the Ghost white paper were “copy-pasted” from open-source protocol PIVX’s white paper.

McAfee admitted that plagiarism was involved but still threatened to sue PIVX for defamation.

Claiming a procuct is open source while witholding the documention is fraud. Pure and simple. I will soon demonstrate that in the courts. Lawsuit coming for defamation. — John McAfee (@officialmcafee) May 19, 2020

Meanwhile, PIVX is also planning to launch a zk-SNARKS-based privacy protocol from Zcash in the fourth quarter of this year.

Source: Cointelegraph | Image: Unsplash



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