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NGRAVE ZERO Launches Its Crowdfunding Campaign For $27,850

The NGRAVE ZERO, the world’s most secure hardware wallet, has launched its crowdfunding campaign for $27,850 (€25,000) on May 26, as in the first two days, it smashed this total four times over, and is now well on its way to number five.

It has been reported that the campaign, which was launched through the IndieGogo crowdfunding platform, is set to run for another 28 days. The campaign offers a number of perks for backers who donate above certain amounts.

However, these range from a single ZERO wallet, through bundles including the Graphene accessory, to multiple wallet bundles and even every future product NGRAVE launches for those wishing to donate $2,785 (€2,500) or more.

Generally, these perks represent a substantial saving compared with the suggested retail price. For example, a single NGRAVE ZERO is offered to those donating $254 (€228), and the retail price is listed as $443 (€398); a savings of 42%.

‘World’s most secure hardware wallet’ smashes crowdfunding goal four times over in just two days — Cointelegraph (@Cointelegraph) May 29, 2020

It has been analyzed that only 33 of the 430+ backers at the time of writing had opted for a perk by representing $13,000 (€11,760) or around 10% of the total raised. This means that 400 people have chosen to donate $118,600 (€106,500) without receiving anything in return.

Likewise, some of those choosing a perk may also have over-donated for their reward tier. Otherwise, the average donation for those choosing no perk was enough to bag them a ZERO wallet on release.

As per the report, the NGRAVE ZERO is the first cryptocurrency hardware wallet to receive the top EAL7 security rating.

In addition to other cold wallets, which connect to their mobile phone or desktop apps through USB or Bluetooth, the ZERO communicates purely through QR codes, as the benefit of this is that this method does not reveal any information about the wallet’s private key.

It has also been analyzed that the Graphene accessory is billed as “the coldest backup available,” and comprises a cryptographic puzzle made of two everything-proof stainless steel plates. Together these plates allow users to store and retrieve their private key, although individually they reveal no information to an attacker.

NGRAVE also recently brought on board renowned cryptographer Jean-Jacques Quisquater in an advisory role.

Thus, he said:

“… the most advanced solution, really exceeding the state-of-the-art as publicly known today.”

Source: Cointelegraph | Image: Medium



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