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Over 80% Redditors Signing Up For ETH-Based Rewards So Far Are Fortnite Players

Reddit’s Ethereum-based Community Points rewards system has seen more than 10,000 addresses created within days of launching on the Rinkeby testnet. Over 80% of wallets created on the testnet so far represents the Fortnite community.

From March 13 to March 15 Reddit’s points were rolled out across two subreddit communities:

  1. Popular video game Fortnite (r/fortniteBR)

  2. Cryptocurrency (r/cryptocurrency)

Founder of EthHub, Eric Conner tweeted:

10,000 Reddit users now have a wallet. — eric.eth (@econoar) May 17, 2020

Within three days of completing its rollout, over 10,000 users have signed up to receive Reddit’s Community Points as a reward for their activity on the popular social platform.

Reddit says Bricks (r/fortniteBR) and Moons (r/cryptocurrency) will be on Rinkeby until end of summer then migrated over (Donuts for /r/ethtrader already are) Here are the contracts Bricks (1076 tx so far): Moons (176 tx so far): — eric.eth (@econoar) May 14, 2020

So far, 8,666 wallets have been created as of the publication time to hold r/fortniteBR’s Bricks, while just 2,073 Redditors have embraced r/cryptocurrency’s Moons.

2,295 transactions have been executed by Moon wallets while Brick wallets have produced 9,584 producing identical per-wallet activity of 1.1 transactions per address so far.

Reddit plans to migrate its Community Points system on the Ethereum mainnet after the summer although no specific is being given yet for when Reddit plans to offer the crypto-based rewards.

Source: Cointelegraph | Image: Unsplash

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